Thursday, August 9, 2012


Oh Rage.  We miss you.  Here is the problem with Rage.  The rear, driver's side track bar is snapped.  You see how the wheel is not in the center of the....wheel spot (you know what I mean).  This, my friends, is the last obstacle in my quest for a successful safety check.  I got the break light, and the tires, and the jack, and the driver's the suspension is junk and this is something that must be fixed. And, alas, this is not one of the 'Aria can do it herself'.  Yeah right.  With my credit load I can barely do this.  Rage is in the good hands of J's auto repair in Poonalu'u.  I took it Tuesday morning and hitch-hiked back to Laie.  Why did I hitch-hike?  The bus schedule changed and only comes once every half hour- if that- and I had to get to devotional because I was conducting and I was tried of running after about a mile. 5 mile run/walk.  Yeah right.  I got picked up by Sister McArthur, the Dean's (and my former Stake President's) wife.   So Rage is out of commission for a while.

Meanwhile- you probably didn't know this- Annie (Chris's car- It's the perfect name, red-headed demon orphan child) started smoking two weeks ago after I dropped Kylie off from our nanny jobs at T-bay.  I left her in front of Kylie's house and it's been stuck there ever since.  I asked Matthew, 'Hey, will you help me push Annie back to my house' and got an emphatic no.  Well today I borrowed some tow straps- but they're not the type of tow straps that you use for towing cars.  Too short and too weak.  So my neighbor, MattG, and I ended up pushing it.  Of all my neighbors, MattG is the one I know the least.  It's okay.  0.7miles later- I know him now.  Maybe I'll add him on facebook. 
Dude- I pushed a car.  We ran with it for about half the way.  Only took about 10-12 min.....still made it to half of my class.  Sweet....I mean sweat.
I need to call Chris and tell him that his car is out of commission but that I'm gonna fix it this weekend.  I never tell Chris when his car has a problem unless I know what is wrong and have a way to fix it. 

Car problems.  When it rains it pours.  It's the two-car rule.  When you have two cars, either they both work, or they both don't. 

On a different, completely unrelated note.  Google is wonderful.  I love it.  It also needs to stop.  Slalom-Canoeing has become a bit of an office competition.   

 When I say 'a bit', what I actually mean is 'it was on'.  I'm proud to say I had Richard beat for a while, I was nowhere near Maddy's time, and I can google canoe faster than Matthew.


  1. My canoe record is 22.3 sec
    It is hard.

  2. Oh my goodness I have been playing those little games too!!!!
