Friday, March 15, 2013

stay a while

I haven't been blogging lately.  Out of protocol I'd apologize, but I'm not sorry.

Spencer knows about the blog.  Hi Spencer, how are you?  I hope by now you're feeling better because we have a concert tomorrow.  Hey, pray that it doesn't rain on us okay?  It's an outdoor concert to help promote a charity.
I can't remember what it was that you wanted to hear my opinion about here.  There was something that you said would be fun to read about on the blog....
ah well.

So....let's see.  We fixed the car.  That was nice.  My heart is so happy every time I close that door.  It took forever.  Squatting by the open door, Me, Spencer, and his dad, trying to maneuver the little rods into the little latches when we can't really see them for hours on end. It is so much more like being home with my family than I've ever been here.  Dude I miss that.  Building crawl-ways in the attic around the ducting with dad while we listen to Aida.  Taking off siding, cutting sheetrock-- whatever it was-- just quietly going about whatever task was at hand.

I turned 21.  That was good.  I had friends over and we made pizza.  Much like I did last year.  Actually, exactly what I did last year.
Huh- how very cyclical.

I went sailing with Spencer's family.  Yup. Sailing.  I've never been on a sailboat before.  And it was tons of fun.  We went to the sandbar in the middle of Kaneohe bay.  And what did we do, as we stood on a submerged sandbar, in the middle of the bay?  We played tag.  Mmmhm.  :)

My sister's birthday was a few days after mine and so I skyped the family.  Spencer was here for that. 

And I've been doing midterms and writing papers and trying to stay on top of work and classes, and my attention is getting diffracted.  Also, I came down with strep and a cold.  Yeah.  Not fun.

I went to Spencer's homecoming talk and ran into people I knew in his homeward.  I gave my first talk in my ward a few hours later.  I haven't given a talk in Sacrament meeting since before I graduated High School.  I got another compliment on that today.  I enjoyed getting ready for it so I'm glad people enjoyed hearing it.

I showed up and Spencer's house on Monday.  Somewhat unexpected.  I was supposed to help the HS bro with some Algebra, but I wasn't anticipated.  I like walking into peoples' homes when they're not expecting me.  I'm so glad I live in a place where I can do that.  It says so much about the people I like to be around when I can walk into their private home lives and exist there unannounced.   At one point Spencer turned to me: I bet you never thought you'd see your professor humming in his kitchen.  No, I didn't.  But when I walked into his class- the only non-major and completely unqualified student there- he didn't think he'd be including me as he cooked for his family.  Or that, after dinner and dishes were done, his kids wanted me to stay a while longer for FHE, not just the one I'm dating.

It was Pi day yesterday.  So we went and got pie and brought it back for everybody.  And we sat on the roof and I saw whales!  I've never seen whales before.  Man, I've lived here for a long time and....I fail at living here.  Seriously.  But I'm on the dean's list....  Yeah, but that doesn't get you very many life points.

I'm slightly worried about this.  My blog is going to go the way of all the other blogs in the world that belong to girls who fall head-over-heels, isn't it.  <sigh>  Well, I'll refrain from posting my shopping ventures or my food or craft accomplishments or talking about celebrities and the like.  I hope that my life is never completely consumed with those types little things that don't matter.  I want to write about things that build my soul and add value to life. 

Spencer does that.   That's the way it's going to stay for a while.


  1. ok, love this post...especially this part:

    "I hope that my life is never completely consumed with those types little things that don't matter. I want to write about things that build my soul and add value to life.

    Spencer does that. That's the way it's going to stay for a while."

    yeah, i really loved that so much. im so happy for you.

  2. Agree. Love it. You always have and always will be a young (and eventually old--yup, it will come--already 21 . .. ) woman who sees and acts with great purpose. Somehow I missed reading this earlier, but I copied it into the letter I'm sending your Grandma. She'll love reading it.
