In honor of Easter, I decided to wear lovely bright colors....well just one color, is EASTER, you wear Happy colors. Pastels, sun colors, shades of spring.....ect. Well, I wore my yellow dress.
'Aria, you look so pretty'
'Awwe, you're so cute.'
'Aria, I LOVE your dress'
'You look so spring-y!'
'I love this dress on you, Aria'
'I love your yellow dress'
'That color looks amazing on you'
Yeah yeah...thank you...i know what you're really thinking. "WOAH, that dress is YELLOW! Like YELL-ow. So bright it's like neon, did she color match the sun??" Mmmmhm, that's what you're thinking. I know, I think the same thing every time I wear it. You're walking in the cafeteria and then ***BAM*** girl in the yellow, that would be me....nobody wore yellow today, not even pale yellow.
I conducted the hymns in Church today...(and I was called upon to play for Sunday school....and I organized people and sang with them for the musical number in Sacrament meeting)...and whenever I stood up it was like the congregation woke up just a little bit. 'Woah that's bright.' Not like our sacrament meeting wasn't entertaining. I'm really glad there is a fireside tonight so that I can go and be spiritually uplifted....because let me tell you, the talks were very blunt among other things, but not really reverent. BUT, there you go.
"oh, I love this dress" ~random person
"Oh, I'll tell Calvin Klein you said so." ~that would be me.
That is my blog. Maybe I will post something more interesting......later. Much later.
if you didn't get the 'Holiday Inn' reference...I am sad for you....and I feel like a geek. But...there you go.
I love this dress and how you combined it with that collared shirt (: