Tuesday, April 26, 2011

BEWARE the package from the mother

I've been waiting for a package.  Not like twiddling my thumbs...but yes I have been waiting for some stuff from home.

 Today I got my package!  (duh, or I wouldn't be writing about it)

this is not what I was waiting for
OOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo goodness.  Mother!  What are you thinking?!?!?!

Do you want to know what I was waiting for?  Here, I'll show you.

yup, that's it. 

2 t-shirts....for my friend.
2 key-chains, 1 goes with the shirts to my previous roommate and 1 will go to this, my current roommate.  (I had to move rooms.  C'est la vie.). 
1 of my empty journals....because I have a bunch at home and I ran out of blank pages in the one I have here.  I kinda thought it was a waste to buy one from the bookstore...especially because Mom was going to send me a package.
and last but not least...A replacement watch.  Do you see a watch?  Good because it isn't there.  That's okay.  I'll be home in a little over a month anyway which begs the question..........

When mom asked me what else I wanted in my package I said 'ummm, candy'.  sure.  I was thinking like 1 bag of chocolate kisses.  Not this.
WHAT IS WITH THE REST OF THE PACKAGE!?!?  Mom, I'm here for another 5 weeks!  This is like a semester's worth of.....good stuff.  No seriously, it is.

Is she trying to make sure I am well fed?  I know chocolate is essential...but not that essential.  My mother is a dietitian.  Taffy? cookies? chocolate covered pretzels? m&ms? skittles? dum-dums? smarties? starbursts?......then almonds and dried mixed berries.  That sounds more like it.  My mom is so sweet.  'In celebration of you NOT gaining the freshman 15-20'...now I am more than welcome to do so without the stereotype. ;)

I got really good at rationing out all the sweet stuff that I've had in my room....so I'm going to have to have a party or something so that all this disappears.

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