Sunday, November 27, 2011

it's a FISH!

Cali is my lovely roommate.  We had a girls' day today (Saturday)

We got frozen yogurt.


Cali Mae

Now, Cali is afraid of fish.
That's right.  FISH.  Doesn't like them.
But she said she would go if I was there with her and didn't leave her side.

I didn't.  I couldn't.  She was hanging on to me most of the time.

It was so much fun!  The swell was pretty big so we went in a more protected area because Cali isn't a great swimmer.  It is rather shallow.  At one point she got freaked out by this red living thing inside the coral and I seriously almost drowned.  I was laughing so hard through my snorkel and she was weighing me down to the point that I was laying on the rock and couldn't move. VERY Shallow water, so she was half out and on top of me to get away from the red thing and I couldn't move and I couldn't stop laughing and if I breathed in through my nose I would have inhaled water and died....I loved it.

She is so cute.  She had a hard time with the mask so I helped her.  She said "Aria, this would be a really good date for you.  Not for me, but for you this would be good because it is fun and you're good at it."  Cali is great.  I got lucky in the roommate department.

I'm also pretty sure that the other people at Shark's Cove thought we were lesbian.  2 girls, alone.  One taking the hand of the other when they traversed the rocky terrain, linked arms while snorkeling, fixing eachother's goggles.....yeah.  If I gambled, I would bet on that.

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