Saturday, November 26, 2011

black friday

Kahuku won the football game.
State Champs.

Today was a smallish adventure-
I went to Ben Franklin to buy ribbon to make ribbon leis.  Ben Franklin is a craft store.  The closest one.  It is in Kailua.  Kailua is pretty.  Also about an hour away.  It was a nice trip.
On my way back I was waiting for the transfer bus to come and Bishop McBride saw me.  He and his family were returning home from shopping so they gave me a ride home.  He was my Bishop last year...also my History professor.  Nice man.  CUTE little family. Young sons. REALLY TALKATIVE and sometimes they speak in Korean so I don't always know what they're saying, but they're cute. is the trip.
big mountains
nice day
GENIUS, they sell Grad Lei Kits specific
to the local high schools.
Iced Peppermint Hot Chocolate and
a banana pie.
Its CHRISTMAS in a cup.
It really is, because it is iced so it's cold.
I was not cold
I didn't understand why people watch clouds...until I got here.
Same spot.  Taken LITERALLY 2 minutes after the above.
These things are on a roll!

I live in a lovely place.
actually, a girl died at the end of this
walkway a few days ago.  there are flowers all
around the crosswalk sign thing. 
Sad.  Had no idea until I got there.
:)    "It's Christmas once again in Honolulu......"

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