Thursday, October 25, 2012


Megan from tiptoe through the tulips with me gave me an award.  :)
 The Liebster award is given to bloggers who have less than 200 followers.  (I have like a tenth of that) What is Liebster?  Apparently it's German.  You use it to start letters, start prayers, etc.  It means Dearest/beloved/kind/valued....I like this word.

Liebster Award rules:
1. Post 11 things about yourself  random number...okay.
2. answer the questions the nominator made for you  that'd be Megan
3. create 11 more questions for the blogs you nominate
that'll be fun
3. choose 11 people and link them to your post  that's gonna take some thinkin'
4. go to their page and tell them too hoping they get the message....
5. oh, and of course, no tag backs.   dangit.

There are no binding blog laws that say you have to do this, but it'll be fun.

I've never done one of these...but I can only take so much lesson planning and what else am I gonna do?

Here it goes!

1- I've decided that I want a truck when I grow up.  Think of all the things you can do with a truck that's harder with a car.  A truck...or a really big van.

2- I typically prefer action movies to romantic movies.  It's not that I don't like them, except The Notebook because I do dislike that one, I just like others better.  Although, Disney and Harry Potter trump all.

3- I know why I'm a Republican.  :)  How many 20-year-olds can say that?  I find that it is really hard for one person to cater to all the needs of many.  Be it teaching, working, or just personal relationships- everybody's needs are so varied that there is no way that 1 method will benefit all, or even most.  Democrats typically pull for big-government.  I'm reminded of my mom's impression of people on welfare "Government!  Take care of me!!!".  Democrats attempt to have the Federal Government take care of everyone.  That's impossible.  Republicans prefer State Governments.  While even State Governments can't fix everything for everyone, their constituency is smaller so they're going to be more successful than the Feds. I have more reasons, but I feel like that's a big one.

4- I'm really stubborn. Some say 'determined'.  Others say 'strong minded'.  I've also heard 'iron-willed'.  Sometimes it's a fault.

5- I know how to dress up, I do it well.  I don't do it often, but I like when I do.  My dressing up though is more professional than it is fancy.

6- I'm smart, but it took me a long time to realize it and even longer to accept it.  Sometimes it still surprises me.

7- I prefer small groups to big ones.

8- I'm not photogenic.  I get a few good pictures, but for the most part I'm a lot less photogenic than it looks like I should be. My mother would disagree; she's my mom, she has to.

9- I was brunette before I was in elementary school.  Then I started swimming and I've been blond ever since.  I was 18 when I finally accepted fate and embraced blond-ness.  Now I'm brunette.  I miss being blond.  Years of natural, habit-induced highlights....down the drain with hair dye residue.

10- Until very recently, I was afraid of Stringed instruments.  I've got my Wind Instruments down and my Piano/Organ is fine, but no strings.  I'd watch my siblings play the cello/bass/guitar and my mind just didn't get it.  I have an Ukulele here, so one night I spent about an hour watching YouTube tutorials.  Totally easier than I'd ever thought.  Fear = Conquered.  I think I'll try the guitar.

11- Every job I've ever had- I'm a teacher.


11 questions from Megan to me:

1. dogs or cats?
ew. Allergic to cats.  Dogs make me nervous, the kids at the orphanage think it's funny because they have a lot of dogs.  Puppies are okay when they're really small and fuzzy.

2. what is your favorite tv show?
Psych.  Hands down.

3. how often do you wash your hair?
I had lice for a little over a week...what'cha gonna while I'm here I wash my hair every day with stuff that smells good, but lice don't like it.   Typically every other day.

4. any weird talents?
All of my talents are weird.  I mean really, who plays the oboe?  Just kidding.  I do have the uncanny ability to create good food out of anything I happen to have in the fridge.  It's super handy. 

5. what is your favorite cereal?
I haven't had cereal long.  Um Apple Jacks.

6. who would you choose as your pool boy?
I'm not adverse to being rich enough to have a pool boy, but I never want to live that rich; ya know what I mean?  My husband will be my pool boy.  He'll clean the pool in a speedo and everything....unless he doesn't want to.  Then I'll clean the pool.

7. beef or chicken?
Cambodians eat chicken feet and chicken beef for now.

8. what is your favorite holiday and why?
Christmas.  It's my favorite because of the cold weather (lying), shopping deals (sarcasm), music (truth),  and it's the holiday where most of the world joins us in celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.  It's the most important because without Him we wouldn't be living the way we do.

9. least favorite holiday?
Valentine's day.   It's cliche I know.  I put on a good face and pretend to like it, but I don't.

10. do you remember your first crush? why did you like him?
Yup.  My very first crush was was short-lived because we discovered that we had the same 4th great Grandpa. Ha! Trevin was cool; he could build things.  We're still friends.

11. how would you describe yourself in one word?
 I think 'aria' does a good job.  Definitions 1, 2, and 3. 

I'm going to nominate...

Amber at Shazzamber
Alayna at A Collection of Scattered Thoughts
Nichel at neesh.
Ashley at a little bit of this, a little bit of ash
Emily at lifeisgood
Jenni at Jenni and Josh Hansen
Jen at first comes love
Bronwyn at Goodbye Until Tomorrow
Tiffany at sum of tiff
McKae at Lyrical Love
Lex at the good life

I know some of you are in the throws of mid-terms, launching businesses, pregnancy, or mission prep.  Again...nobody is forcing you, but I'd love to see your posts.

My questions for you bloggers (and anybody who wants to comment their answers):

1.  Do you like your hair up or down (may be substituted for long vs short)?
2.  If you knew you could not fail, what would you do?
3.  What actor would you like to play the lead romantic role in the story of your life?
4.  Do you ever get lost?
5.  What is your favorite kind of toothpaste?
6.  Right.....*now*......are you happy with where you're going?
7.  If you could live in a foreign country......
8.  Did you watch the Presidential debates?
9.  What is the one thing that you are best at?
10.  If you could re-live a day in your life, which would it be and why?
11.  What song would you like sung at your funeral and who would sing it?


  1. You didn't give me 11 questions, babe

    1. Ooooops. Sorry hon!
      1. Do you like your hair up or down (may be substituted for long vs short)?
      2. If you knew you could not fail, what would you do?
      3. What actor would you like to play the lead romantic role in the story of your life?
      4. Do you ever get lost?
      5. What is your favorite kind of toothpaste?
      6. Right.....*now*......are you happy with where you're going?
      7. If you could live in a foreign country......
      8. Did you watch the Presidential debates?
      9. What is the one thing that you are best at?
      10. If you could re-live a day in your life, which would it be and why?
      11. What song would you like sung at your funeral and who would sing it?

  2. You're right. I was disagreeing with #8 before I finished reading it. Love it. I always love you and the beautiful, wonderful, courageous, dedicated, strong (in so many ways), brilliant (I could go on--you know I could) woman you have become. And I can't really take any credit for it . . . well maybe a LITTLE of #3 when explaining the difference between parties.
