Wednesday, May 8, 2013


I'm in this class called 'Motivation and Emotion' and I rather enjoy the material and we'll leave it at that.

Now, for this class we have to do a goal-setting activity.  We keep a goal, we find our motivations, all that jazz.

Mine is to wake up with my alarm.  I have this terrible habit of not doing that.  I need to be stopped.
We have to measure our goal by keeping a journal and so I'm going to start that here.  Mostly because it's maybe a funny story.

Yesterday I got to bed late.  It was my roommate Abbie's birthday.  I'd taken her and some friends to get some good food before I went off to Kahuku School's choir concert, because I've been hearing about that group for months and thought it would be fun.  It was.  I wish every high school was as involved with their choir as Kahuku is.

I came home, later than I'd expected because the choir is a *big deal*, and made Abbie a cake.  That takes a while.  I had some time before she got home; I made yogurt, I did the dishes, I finished a class reading, frosted the cake, and got ready for bed.

Now, we in the Paradise house, have a problem with our bathroom sink.  It doesn't drain.  And it kinda leaks, and I've been called upon in the past to kill a centipede there.  (I don't have very good associations with that bathroom.)  But I was sick of the sink being gross.  So in the midst of the birthday crew coming home and cake consuming and roommate chatting, I took the sink apart and cleaned it out.

you know what needs to happen? dissolve-able toothpaste.
it won't get caught on all the hair that accumulates over the years in a female bathroom
and then it wont turn into slime that makes my stomach cringe a little bit as I clean it out.
because it won't clog the drains.  
drain clog-age would just be hair 
because soap leaves scum, not ooze.  

I got to bed late because I had nasty toothpaste/hair gunk on my pants and hands.  Therefore I did not wake up and start the day at 6:10am when my alarm went off.

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