Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It's cause I wore my glasses yesterday.

yesterday had homework finding books with small numbers on tall shelves in the I wore my glasses.  I haven't done that in a long time.
English 201: Shakespeare's  A Midsummer Night's Dream: the relationship between two of the Characters.

I had a different initial interpretation on the situation than everyone else did - or at least different from everyone who was saying something- so I said my piece and then commented on how that their interpretation was kinda like a 'Stockholm Syndrome' situation.  'Obviously not in reference to that because this idea was given this name much later, but I feel like that is the idea you guys are coupling'  
look around
blank stares.


So the teacher asked me to explain to the class what Stockholm Syndrome was because there seemed to be some in the class that were not familiar with the term.  
 that is an understatement.
nobody in the class had a clue what the heck I was talking about.

'Aria, you're exaggerating.  
you don't know that NOBODY knew.'
yes, yes I do.  
we had a break right after and most of the 
class went outside and started talking about 
how they had no idea what the heck that was.

So here I am.  On the spot, describe the idea of Stockholm Syndrome.   You know what?  I'm not going to here.  You are on the internet.  Google it.  I've described it enough today.  I gave a watered-down version of it and gave a few examples of more recent situations...namely Elizabeth Smart....and it still goes over people's heads.   One kid, Matthew, says, 'Oh so it's like Tom Cruse in Samurai how he is imprisoned by the Japanese but he grows to love the people'.   The teacher said yes, like that.  
I don't know.  I've never seen that movie.

I was talking to Janae during the break.  'Yeah I had no idea what that was.  You just sounded really smart.'   
Hmm, cuz I felt really stoopid.  
Weird, cuz usually when people know something nobody else knows, they feel really smart.
Take it from Riley.....national treasure 1.

that's okay, I take it in stride.

Later on in the class, the teacher introduced the idea of 'discordia concors' which you can also google on your own and said that it was an idea in music of the time as well "Aria, have you run into this idea?  Would you like to describe it to us"  'tell us your experience with it..'...i dunno, whatever she said. 
Ha ha
Well, there you go.
That is my story..
How I filled my "intellectual comments" quota for the day.

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