Most exciting thing EVVVVERRRRRRR!
I found a gecko.
Not just any gecko. I see geckos on the ground, around the roof, in the bushes- lime green and blue ones, plain brown ones, pinkish ones….all of them are rather large.
but not this guy....he is small |
Here I am, going to Kaylee’s room to study for our New Testament class the next morning (it is late at night…standard NT study time) and on the way I fill up my water bottle at the water fountain and there it isssss! There is a teeny tiny gecko on the water fountain!
So I catch it….not hard really, but not easy either. NOTE: Bilbo can JUMP
He ends up in my scripture bag, just chillin on the tabs, and I scamper (this is a really acurate description I hope you can visualize this) into Kaylee’s room squeeling because I have a geckoooooo!
no, my hair doesn't always look like that |
This is Bilbo. 'Bilbo' because all the geckos in Kaylee's room have names that end in 'o'. Pedro, Waldo, Cosmo, Something else-o....
Bilbo! |
ALSO I cannot count how many random Lord of the Rings references I have run into lately....and since the gecko was so small it is kindof a shout to Bilbo Baggins. (except Bilbo Baggins is creepy and bad....which is not at all a reflection on Bilbo the Gecko)
So we held him and played with him and dropped him and tried to catch him....eventually he took refuge under Kaylee's closet. We took that as code for 'go do you NT homework'.
Religion study in pjs....tradition my friend. |
After studying for while we were distracted when we found Bilbo on the closet wall. AAAWE.
So we played some more.
and I'm sorry, but this is probably the cutest thing ever.....
It's Bilbo on the Jesus poster. |
Gaaah! He is so cute!
Aaww cute cute Bilbo :)