Monday, January 7, 2013

to do list

I am going to tell you about all the things I missed telling you about.
Because when I am old, but still young enough that my journal is embarrassing, I want to be able to reference these things easily.  Also, I promised to keep Jenni entertained.

So today, here is my blogging 'To Do List'
-the water festival that wasn't. and that thing about the moon
-What I understand of Khmer traditions
-preparing for the Cambodian Christmas Concert that I wasn't there for / Public Affairs missionaries
-Thanksgiving on a visa run to Thailand
- What it means to prepare for Christmas in a country that isn't Christian
- Service projects at cicfo
-Wat Phnom
- 10/10/10, 11/11/11, and 12/12/12
- Leaving
-my two 12/13s
- Children
- What I did when I was back in Hawaii
-The random things that I had to adjust to when I was in Hawaii, Vegas, Utah...
-being home with family
-that time the world didn't end
-the gathering of the girls
-great times spent in Utah after Christmas
-touchy feely post about everything that I learned because there wasn't time to bare my testimony in Church today
-New things for a new year.

That is so much. wow.  I'm going to back-date these posts so that they fit into when they actually happened.  They'll appear on your blogger dashboard in real time, but if you just visit the page you might miss them.  To counteract that, when I post something I'll make the item(s) it checks off a hyperlink to the post so you can find it if you're interested.


For now, because it is late and school starts tomorrow, here are some more videos from Cambodia that you can watch.  Yay videos!
Most importantly- here is a Christmas video!!!!!


  1. oh gosh! I love this! I love you and you are oh so inspiring!

  2. Haha. I love this. This is totally the way my brain works too!!!
